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Nautilus Inspiration® Shoulder Press


Experience the ultimate strength circuit with Nautilus Inspiration Strength®! Elevate your workout with stunning, modern aesthetics and uniform towers, designed to make a powerful first impression. Each machine embraces natural human movement and features convenient and visually appealing elements such as wrap around assisted seat adjustment, Lenticular image placards, and pre-stretch and range of motion controls. Enhance your fitness journey with Nautilus Inspiration Strength®!

“Lock N Load®
Do you want a simple way to select weights for your workout? The innovative Lock N Load® design is easily recognizable, just like flipping a light switch. With color coded switches, you can easily engage and disengage weights through an internal pin, ensuring a safe, durable, and maintenance-free operation. Say goodbye to lost or broken pins and hello to hassle-free workouts with Lock N Load.


  • Wrap-around gas assist seat adjust.
  • Unilateral motion.
  • Converging axis.
  • Supinated and pronated grip options.
  • Seat position controls user pre-stretch.
  • Lock N Load® weight selection.
  • Lock N Load® incremental add-on weight system.
  • Moving image lenticular instruction placard.


  • W: 147 cm.
  • L: 152 cm.
  • H: 163 cm.
  • STACK WEIGHT: 91 kg.
  • OVERALL WEIGHT: 276 kg.
  • SHIPPING WEIGHT: 316 kg.